Improve Garbled Circuit:Free XOR Gates and Applications




  1. 这篇论文最主要的创意是什么?
    1. Present a new garbled circuit in semi-honest. XOR gates are evaluated “for free”, which results in the corresponding improvement over the best garbled circuit implementations
  2. 这些创意在应用上有什么好处?
    1. this results in a factor of up to 4 improvement (in both computation and communication) of their SFE. 性能提高4倍
  3. 这些创意和应用上的好处是在哪些条件下才能成立?(论文建立在什么条件之上)?
    1. One area of SFE that especially benefits from our work is the SFE of private functions (PF-SFE). It is an extension of SFE where the evaluated function is known only by one party and needs to be kept secret.(对于那种 evaluated function is known only by one party and needs to be kept secret有用)
    2. rely on the RO assumption
  4. 这篇论文最主要的缺点或局限是什么?
  5. 这些缺点或局限在应用上有什么坏处?
  6. 这些缺点和应用上的坏处是因为哪些因素而引入的?
  7. 你建议学长学弟什么时候参考这篇论文的哪些部分(点子)?
  8. 这篇论文的关注点是什么