Covert Security with Public Verifiability
- 这篇论文最主要的创意是什么?
- propose a new PVC(public verified convert) protocol
- This protocol have some features relative to previous work as follow :
- Low overhead
- Small Certificates
- Simplicity
- 作者在这些创意的思想上,具体做了哪些工作?
- address selective falture attacks
- use standard OT extension
- 以上的工作通过一个随机数来确定GC的所有执行来做到(为什么可以做到)
- use cut-and-choose approach
- evaluate one and check outher GC
- consider $P_B$ is malicious
- 这些创意在应用上有什么好处?
- 这些创意和应用上的好处是在哪些条件下才能成立?(假设)
- we adapt the functionality such that only a malicious PAcan possibly cheat, as this is what is achieved by our protocol.
- 这篇论文最主要的缺点或局限是什么?
- 这些缺点或局限在应用上有什么坏处?
- 这些缺点和应用上的坏处是因为哪些因素而引入的? (If the paper has any disadvantages, what are the causes for them)
- 如何避免这个问题(How to avoid such shortages in your proposed approach?)
- 如果不能避免,是什么原因造成的(If they are unavoidable, what are the reasons for?)
- 你建议学长学弟什么时候参考这篇论文的哪些部分(点子)?