Secure Agre'ga'ti


work based on Multiple non-colluding server

  • noninteractive
  • the computation among the server is very light-weight
  • allow input validated
  • Araki presented a generic three-party computation protocol that achieves very high throughput

Generic SMC

  • Yao’s protocol not directly extend to hundreds users
  • based on secret-sharing is communication cost

Worked based on Dining Cryptographers Networks

But previous DC-nets constructions share the flaw that, if even one user aborts the protocol before sending its message, the protocol must be restarted from scratch, which can be very expensive [36]. 一个用户在消息发送前终止协议,需要重新发起协议

Works based on Pairwise Additive Masking

the most closely related to google‘s scheme

the problem is also their recoveryphase is brittle

Schemes based on (Threshold) Homomorphic Encryption

但计算成本高或需要额外的信任假设。 例如,基于Paillier的方案需要昂贵的生成阈值解密密钥集,其必须由可信第三方生成和分发,或者使用昂贵的协议在线生成。